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double diaphragm differential pressure gauge manufacturers

2024-04-20 05:10:18 [娱乐] 来源:LSAW pipe to Singapore
Zhejiang women's team (center) pose for a group photo at the award ceremony. Photo: Courtesy of CGA

Zhejiang women's team (center) pose for a group photo at the award ceremony. Photo: Courtesy of CGA

Team of Zhejiang swept the men's and women's team titles at the 2024 National Golf Championship concluded at the Chongqing Poly Golf Club in Southwest China's Chongqing Municipality on Sunday.

Thedouble diaphragm differential pressure gauge manufacturers Zhejiang men's and women's team finished the tournament with total scores of 824 strokes (-28) and 833 strokes (-31) respectively. 

Xiao Bowen from the Beijing men's team (266 strokes, -18) and Zeng Yu from the Shanghai women's team (266 strokes, -22) respectively clinched the individual titles in the men's and women's events.
Xiao Bowen from Beijing men's team Photo: Courtesy of CGA

Xiao Bowen from Beijing men's team Photo: Courtesy of CGA

"As a player, being able to lift the trophy after a week of competition is a truly joyful experience. The tournament reflected the results of my training throughout this winter. The biggest challenge for me this week was handling the greens, but fortunately, I managed them well in these two rounds," said the men's title winner Xiao.

Zeng Yu from Shanghai women's team Photo: Courtesy of CGA

Zeng Yu from Shanghai women's team Photo: Courtesy of CGA

"The first half of the final was relatively calm. After the 12th hole, I realized I had moved into the sole lead position. At that moment, I wanted to widen the lead. Afterwards, I managed to birdie the 13th and 14th holes consecutively. I would rate my performance a score of 95 out of 100," said the women's title winner Zeng. 

Co-hosted by the China Golf Association (CGA) and the Chongqing Sports Bureau, the seven-day competition is one of the most significant golf events in the country. The tournament is dedicated to facilitating exchange and mutual learning among provinces and regions, cultivating promising athletes, and enhancing the overall strength of the sport in China.

Wei Qingfeng, secretary-General of CGA, said after the event that the national championship holds a very important position in the entire competition system of the CGA. 

This year's tournament saw various team formation methods, with a total of 220 athletes from 43 teams participating. The competition was intense, and the CGA is pleased to see such competitiveness,  Wei noted. 

A total of 220 athletes from 43 teams across the country competed for top honors, reflecting the sport's growth and the event's significance in promoting golf development nationwide.


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