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2024-05-03 12:49:41 [综合] 来源:LSAW pipe to Singapore

­  英式橄榄球——听说过没见过?地球上最团队的史上球类运动  ,现在是最ON中中证明你行的机会了,入选者有希望参加2020年东京奥运会

­  2017中国国家橄榄球队面向全球公开选拔运动员

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­  主办单位:中国橄榄球协会

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­  各位青年才俊 :

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­  为备战2020年东京奥运会 ,国队国家橄榄公开以及为规划中的球队全球中国橄榄球职业联赛做好铺垫  ,中国国家男 、选拔女7人制橄榄球队将于2017年全运会后重新组建 ,史上wholesale concertina razor wire新中国队将可能长期驻海外拉练。最ON中中与以往不同 ,国队国家橄榄公开这次选拔除面对国内省市队 、球队全球校队及社会俱乐部的选拔橄榄球从业者以外  ,还将向全世界符合条件的史上人士,包括从事其他项目如田径 、最ON中中famous single loop razor barbed wire足篮排手曲、国队国家橄榄公开重竞技等的球队全球运动员敞开大门。

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­  报名条件

­  一 、选拔橄榄球运动员

­  1,符合正直、热情 、团结、守纪、尊重5项橄榄球核心价值

­  2,原则上在1985年1月1日至2000年1月1日期间出生 ,条件优越者可适当放宽

­  3 ,famous cross type razor barbed wire具备较高橄榄球运动竞技水平 ,或具备较高潜质的

­  4,外籍运动员需符合或有意愿去达成世橄协规定的资格条款(参见下方“代表参赛资格的说明”)

­  二、非橄榄球运动员

­  1,品行端正

­  2,原则上于2001年1月1日之后出生 ,条件优越者可适当放宽

­  3,通过《选拔标准(暂行)》的

­  4 ,外籍运动员需符合或有意愿去达成世橄协规定的资格条款(参见下方“代表参赛资格的说明”)

­  时间和地点

­  1、2017年8月19日至20日天津全运会7人制橄榄球比赛期间  ,中橄协将委派技术代表通过观摩比赛形式进行选拔 。famous razor barbed wire fence

­  2 、其他运动员的选拔  ,执行小组将根据报名情况统一组织集训营 ,依据《选拔标准(暂行)》进行,具体时间和地点将另行公布 。

­  3 、执行小组根据选拔情况进行综合评定,确定国家男  、女7人制橄榄球队AB队初选名单 ,经领导小组审批后 ,将正式公布。famous razor barbed wire types

­  报名程序

­  1、在中国橄榄球协会官网下载“中国7人制橄榄球队公开选材”报名表(http://rugby.sport.org.cn/notice/list.html)或直接下载附件2报名表。

­  2 、按说明填写完毕后,2017年9月15日前发送至邮箱crfa2020@126.com报名,标题为“姓名+性别+是否英式橄榄球运动员+国籍”,如“Tom-male-yes-USA”“张丽-女-非-中国” 。

­  经费

­  1 ,选拔的培训费 、场地费 、执行小组的差旅费和食宿费等相关费用由中国橄榄球协会负担 。

­  2,参加选拔的运动员的当地食宿费由中国橄榄球协会负担,旅费费视情况给予全额或差额补贴。

­  有关要求

­  1,拟参加选拔的运动员均须填写报名表,自愿参加。

­  2 ,经选拔进入国家队的运动员,将承担相应的备战和参赛任务 ,享受相应待遇 。

­  3 ,请运动员自备训练和生活用品 ,建议训练用品包括:田径平底鞋、足球用草地钉鞋 、篮球鞋 、运动衣 ,无需田径用钉鞋。

­  4,联系人:于先生 ,电话86-186 1352 5997

­  The Chinese national men’s and women’s rugby sevens teams are now recruiting globally!

­  Are you an excellent athlete? Do you have what it takes to compete on the international stage? Now it’s time to prove yourself! The chosen ones might be able to represent China to participate in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics! Apply now for the chance of a lifetime!

­  Organizing Committee:

­  Chinese Rugby Football Association (CRFA)

­  This announcement is addressed to talents all over the world:

­  To prepare for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, and to lay foundation for the planned Chinese Professional Rugby Football League, the Chinese men’s and women’s national rugby sevens teams will be rebuilt after the 2017 National Games. The new Chinese national teams might train overseas on a long-term basis.

­  All who meet the selection requirements are welcome to apply and applications are not restricted to rugby players in provincial, club, or social teams. This also includes athletes who play other sports, such as football, basketball, handball, and track & field.

­  Recruitment Criteria

­  A. For rugby players, you should

­  a. Agree with the five core values of World Rugby (Integrity, Passion, Solidarity, Discipline and Respect)

­  b. Be born between January 1st, 1985 and January 1st, 2000 (Applicants with outstanding abilities who are not born during this period of time might also be considered.)

­  c. Possess outstanding rugby skills or show great rugby potentials.

­  d. Fulfill or be willing to fulfill World Rugby eligibility requirements if you are a foreign player (explained below).

­  B. For other talented athletes who are not rugby players but have rugby potentials, you should

­  a. Be a morally and behaviorally upstanding individual,

­  b. Be born between January 1st, 1985 and January 1st, 2000 (Applicants with outstanding abilities who are not born during this period of time might also be considered.)

­  c. If you are a foreign player who meets the recruiting standards, you must also fulfill, or be willing to fulfill the eligibility requirements of World Rugby, (See eligibility criteria listed below).

­  Time and Location

­  1. CRFA will organize a training camp based on applications received. Selection will be judged on the provisional recruitment standards outlined above. Time and location of the training camp are to be confirmed.

­  2. CRFA will determine the initial rosters of men’s and women’s national A and B teams. The rosters will be published following official approval from the CRFA executives.

­  Application

­  1. All applicants should download “China Rugby Sevens Open Selection Application Form” on the CRFA official website (http://rugby.sport.org.cn/notice/list.html), or download “Attachment 2 Application Form” directly.

­  2. All applicants should fill out the application form and send it to crfa2020@126.com before September 15th, 2017 to apply. The title of your email and your application form should be “Name+Sex+Yes/No (Whether you are a rugby player or not)+Nationality” (e.g. Tom-male-yes-USA).

­  Funding

­  1. The CRFA will cover all local accommodation expenses for training camp participants. Travel expenses to and from the training camp will be either fully or partially covered, at the discretion of CRFA.

­  Requirements

­  1. All applicants are required to fill out the application form.

­  2. Applicants selected for the national team rosters are required to immediately commence training for and participating in international competitions. These athletes will be entitled to certain benefits to be determined.

­  3. All applicants should bring their own training and living necessities. Recommended training equipment includes: running shoes, rugby or football boots, basketball shoes and sportswear. Spikes for track & field will not be needed.

­  Please contact MR. Yu (Tel. 86-186 1352 5997) for inquiries.

­  代表参赛的资格说明

­  根据世橄协规定 ,符合下列4个条件之一的可以代表中国参加普通国际比赛  :1 、出生地是中国;2、父母(包括法定领养的父母)或亲生祖父母中一方在中国出生;3 、2020年12月31日以前 ,在中国连续住满过36个月  ,连续是指每12个月期间最少住满10个月(从2020年12月31 日起实施的规则要求连续居住满60个月 ,在此日期之前仍是36个月;4、间断的累计住满过10年;

­  5、如要参加奥运会及预选赛 ,除满足前述条件外 ,必须还同时具有中国国籍。

­  Subject to WR Regulation 8.2, a Player may only play for the senior fifteen-aside National Representative Team, the next senior fifteen-a-side National Representative Team and the senior National Representative Sevens Team of the Union of the country in which:

­  The existing World Rugby eligibility criteria set out in Regulation 8.1 will be maintained. This is based on the Player having a genuine, close, credible and established national link with:

­  (a) the country in which the Player was born; or

­  (b) the country in which one parent or grandparent of the Player was born; or

­  (c) the country in which the Player has completed sixty consecutive months of Residence immediately preceding the time of playing(apply as of December 31 2020 ); or

­  (d) the country in which the Player has completed ten years of cumulative Residence preceding the time of playing; and

­  (e) for Olympic Event participation, the nationality of the Union or country the Player wishes to represent is also required.

­  《中国橄榄球跨项目选材选拔标准(暂行)》项目

­  一,立定跳远

­  二,40米跑 ,脚动开始计时 ,途中10米与终点均计时

­  三,40米yoyo跑 ,5个往返,共10次40米的总成绩 ,每次跑动加休息共30秒,取10次成绩的平均值

­  四 ,20.40.60米折返跑,共5个循环,中途无间歇

­  五 ,摸高

­  六 ,球类运动测试

­  七  ,硬拉

­  八 ,深蹲

­  九,卧推

­  十 ,身高体重

责任编辑 :曾少林


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