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self adhesive pu door and window sealing strip factory

2024-05-06 01:59:48 [休闲] 来源:LSAW pipe to Singapore

­   恒指早盘跌0.33%,早盘报25838点;国企指数跌0.63%,跌北报10599点 。上资self adhesive pu door and window sealing strip factory

­  沪港通额度方面 ,金净截至中午收盘,买入nbr rubber 1~20mm rubber sheet沪股通余额124.75亿元,亿元multi color pvc door rubber sealing strip资金净流入5.25亿元;深股通余额123.96亿元,早盘资金净流入6.04亿元;北上资金净买入11.29亿元。跌北

self adhesive pu door and window sealing strip factory

­  港股通(沪)余额104.82亿元 ,上资资金净流入0.18亿元;港股通(深)余额102亿元 ,金净资金净流入3亿元 。买入

self adhesive pu door and window sealing strip factory


self adhesive pu door and window sealing strip factory

