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2024-05-03 04:33:32 [焦点] 来源:LSAW pipe to Singapore
Two Sessions Photo:Xinhua

Two Sessions Photo:Xinhua

Thehydraulic hose wire braid manufacturer second session of the 14th National People's Congress (NPC) and the second session of the 14th National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) will open on March 5 and 4, respectively. 2024 is an extraordinary year shining with multiple commemorative halos, marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of new China, as well as important milestones for the 70th and 75th anniversaries of the NPC and the CPPCC. Additionally, this year's two sessions are particularly noteworthy as the new government will submit its government work report to the NPC annual session for deliberation for the first time and be fully showcased under the global media spotlight. Therefore, this year's two sessions have attracted special attention from all sectors of society.

The collective wisdom and concerted efforts of the two sessions are a manifestation of the spirit of unity and struggle of the Chinese people, and also the most vivid portrayal of the broadest, most genuine, and most effective whole-process people's democracy. During last year's two sessions, deputies put forward 271 proposals and 8,314 suggestions; by the end of 2023, the proposals had been reviewed by nine special committees, and the suggestions had been handled and replied to by 204 organizations. Over the past year, the CPPCC has organized 94 consultations; by the end of 2023, there had been 350 instructions from relevant officials of central and state organs on 139 advisory opinions, and 68 feedback reports from various departments and regions on 59 advisory opinions. These figures vividly demonstrate the vitality and strong execution of Chinese democratic politics that advance with the times. 

In this special year, the two sessions are not only a review and evaluation of past achievements, but also a high focus on and practical planning for the well-being of the people and the future direction of national development. In a February survey on the two sessions by the media, "law-based governance," "employment," "rural revitalization," "medical care," "high-quality development," "pension," "education," "community governance," "excellent traditional Chinese culture," and "national security education" were the top 10 hot topics of concern for netizens. Even before the sessions began, the relevant opinions and suggestions put forward by the representatives and deputies had already sparked heated discussions and attention on the internet. As the saying goes, "the aspirations of the people are what the government always strives for." The key topics of this year's two sessions will surely leave a deep imprint on economic, social development and improvement of people's livelihoods. 

We have noticed that in the run-up to this year's two sessions, the focus of the outside world is particularly on keywords such as high-quality development, new productive forces, and economic growth targets, largely because they outline the future of China. Some foreign media outlets have commented that "China's current goal is to make people's lives better through high-quality development." High-quality development is a hardcore proposition, representing the urgent pursuit of optimizing and upgrading the economic structure, including the deep integration of multiple dimensions such as technological innovation, high-end industrial chain, and green development. And the two sessions are the best window to showcase how China envisions activating and nurturing new productive forces. How the major decisions and arrangements for the economic work in 2024 by the CPC Central Committee will be implemented through the system of the two sessions will greatly shape the development of China in the next stage, and even help drive the global economic recovery process.

The two sessions are a concentrated embodiment and vivid practice of China's whole-process people's democracy. This statement, when placed in the context of history, is both grand and profound. Representatives and deputies from all walks of life gather at the "national conference room" of the two sessions, expressing their opinions freely and connecting the decisions of the Party and government with the needs and expectations of hundreds of millions of ordinary people. This requires meticulous organization and planning, as well as a strong sense of political responsibility and execution. When we carefully think about it, we can't help but feel shocked. Over the decades, the two sessions have continuously adjusted and changed according to the development of the times and practical needs, but the original intention of representatives and deputies to serve the people and hold discussions concerning national policies and principles has remained unchanged. The institutional energy and vitality reflected in this are phenomenal and creative in the history of human political systems.

A year's plan starts with spring. Spring is traditionally the starting point for the Chinese people to begin a year of hard work. The two sessions in modern China also serve as the starting gun for China to move forward in the new year. Just as the harvest in autumn does not come automatically, Chinese modernization will not come from the sky. Our development in all aspects is steady and progressive, but at the same time, we also see that China is facing increasing complexity, severity, and uncertainty in the external environment. Overcoming difficulties and challenges is necessary to further promote economic recovery and improvement. We need to further unite and focus the attention of the whole society on promoting Chinese modernization, igniting the greatest degree of initiative. This is the historical mission that the two sessions undertake at this special juncture this year.


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